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Adventure supplements for maps released between July to September 2022

July 2022:

Cave of the Furies, Cave of the Fire Wyrm, Cave of the Hell Stair & Cave of a Thousand Worlds - four One-Page supplements.

August 2022

Dyggvi's Peak and Crystal Mines - 5 page adventure supplement

Travelling Circus - One Page GM Supplement

September 2022

Grandma's Cottage & Titabone Woods -  4 page adventure supplement



David Geary

I may be a little slow, but in addition to the Titanbone woods, what's the original name of the cottage map and the regional woods map??


Titanbone was from June 2022 and Grandma's Cottage was from March 2022. I'm not sure we've ever had the regional map in the supplement, it looks like a map from Campaign Cartographer or similar.

Heroic Maps

Yes, those are the maps. For the regional large scale maps, we use Inkarnate - quick and easy to create these - they serve an illustrative purpose. With regards to a battlemap scaled map for that forest, we've not made one with that name, though there are dozens of forest maps on our DTRPG that could serve.