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Hi everyone, we've got an update on this month's maps.

After 2.5 years of avoiding it completely, we've had a houseful of covid this past couple of weeks. Everyone is fine now, but Joe has taken the longest to get completely well. He's been doing little bits and pieces of work when he's been able to, but that had mainly been processing the maps, making foundry versions etc - things that take time but don't require the creative brain firing on all/any cylinders.

So, all this to say, that unfortunately we are going to have to postpone the start of the new mega maps until next month as time has run out and anything done now would suck!

Luckily, in terms of total number of maps in the reward bundle, there will still be 9 (10 for sci-fi), as each of the MotM and it's variants has a partner map from your Alt suggestions.

We are really sorry about this, but we hope you'll understand.



On the bright side, now you don't have to worry about getting it again


Totally understandable. Get well! (It might take a while to fully recover.)