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Hey everyone,

We're really excited that this week (and until July 11th) we've got a set of maps available at Bundle of Holding.

There's two bundles - the core bundle has our GM Essentials Starter Set, two modular Underdark Cave sets and village interiors.  They're all available for $9.95.

But the way Bundle of Holding works (in case you're new to it) is that if you pay at least $20ish (the value changes throughout the sale - it's a running average), then you'll also get the bonus bundle with all four sets of our Discover Village (four seasons, 8 maps per season), and all nine levels of our 50x50 Hell set.  That's over $160 of maps for around $20.

Plus, a percentage of all sales goes to Charity (Direct Relief - providing medical equipment and supplies).

If you're interested, or just want to have a look and see what it's all about, please go here!

Bundle of Holding 





Are these foundry editions?


I'm still trying to figure out how things are organized on this Patreon. Are these maps in addition to what's available on Patreon? Or are they already included? Sorry, I'm new (and every creator does things differently). Bottom line, I want these maps and will buy them... but want to make sure I don't already have access to them?

Heroic Maps

Hey. These maps aren't part of our Patreon. We've made 100s of maps, but only a portion of them are funded via Patreon. The bulk of our content we make without Patreon support and that just goes on sale at DTRPG. We mention sales etc to our Patrons, as well as often giving discount codes for non-Patreon maps.