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Hi there!

Download the images from the attachments for the proper resolution. 

File format - 72dpi, 140px per square, less than 10mb, non-grid.

  • Jungle Trading Post
  • Desert Trading Post
  • Mountain Wilderness Trading Post
  • Explorer: Expedition Camps
  • Blackwhelk Bay The Shipwreck
  • Saint-Gerrin Sewer (Mega, in progress - 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 of 6 available)
  • The Cave of Wonders (4 entrances & cave)
  • The City of Shawarie - Rooftop Chase
  • The Secret Opera House (including chairless version)
  • The Tower by the Root Wood
  • The Tower by the Frost Wood
  • The Tower by the Gloom Wood
  • The Tower by the Sunken Wood
  • The North Gate
  • Grandma's Cottage




Yes but...The tower has internal stairs but how do you enter the tower? There are no external doors to enter from the outside

Heroic Maps

No, I mean the actual base level of the map, with the exterior, has one of the tower levels embedded in it. That level has a door


Is the 6th map of the Saint-Gerrin Sewer series in another location?