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Hi there!

Download the images from the attachments for the proper resolution. 

File format - 72dpi, 140px per square, less than 10mb, non-grid.

  • Turtleback Monastery
  • Lair of the Hydra
  • Lair of the Hydra Night
  • Lair of the Hydra Desert/Scorpion
  • Lair of the Hydra Spiderwood
  • Shrine of the SerpentBlade
  • The Tower Under Mudstick Hill (megadungeon)
  • The Shrine at Mt Torvus
  • The Temple of Scorchnight
  • Sydon's Grotto
  • The Sanctuary of the Fallen
  • Lawhon's Ferry
  • Spitfalls Eyrie
  • Spitfalls Eyrie Autumn
  • Spritefall Circle
  • Old Spit Drop
  • Aelrift Overlook
  • The Hall of Sacrifice



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