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Hi there!

Download the images from the attachments for the proper resolution. 

File format - 72dpi, 140px per square, less than 10mb, non-grid.

Black Scar Mine

Farhill Dwarven Trading Post

The Sun Temple

Sun Temple Caves

Mydstep Keep

Mydstep Dungeon

Arcane Library




yeah, mine did too!


Well! I just subscribed yesterday and I must say that was the best eight gaming dollars I ever spent. Incidentally, I would have subscribed earlier but I read the description and it said 20x20 maps. I don't find those tiny maps too useful outdoors, my players always want to run around and circle and such. So I see that actually that seems to be a minimum and mostly maps are bigger. If the description had said so, I probably would have jumped on board a while ago. Might want to update that.