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Hey everyone,

Time for a preview!

The winning entry for the alt-version was to turn the Cave of Wonders into an underground opera house, run by a rakshasa, with a den of pleasure/harem behind the scenes.

It's been a really fun map to make. It's got a full opera house and stage, with lounge rooms to the side, and then behind the stage is a series of chambers decorated in a decadent style, with cushions, rugs and fountains. However, secret chambers conceal prison cells, and the palatial bedchamber of the rakshasa is a dangerous place, despite appearances!

This very large map will be in the February reward bundle

Hope you can find a place for it in your games!





It’s a very cool map and a chairless version could be used as something else other than being locked in to a theme. It was just a thought. Love your work though. Easily one of my favourite content creators. Your style is superb.


just....AMAZING!!!!! And, with a simple reskin and minor prop change in VTT (put modern lights on top of braziers) this could easily become a 1920's speakeasy / show venue. Add some neon colored lights and it could become an underground secret house of sin run by some criminal organization in a futuristic setting, complete with gambling tables, shows, etc.