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Hey everyone,

We're really excited (yes, really!) to show you what we've been working on this week. 

A new range of super useful maps (called the Essentials range) - and we've started with a set of 10 30x30 maps, the GM Starter Pack. It's got a great range of locations that are frequently used - a tavern, various lairs/dungeons, roads, forests, city streets etc.

And what's even more exciting is that we've also put it together as our first ever Foundry VTT module, all set up with lights and walls etc.

If you're interested, we've got a Patreon exclusive 50% discount for both of these (valid until end of 28th Jan).

50% off GM Starter Pack 

50% off GM Starter Pack Foundry VTT Module 

We're really keen to gauge if the Foundry VTT module is popular, as we consider whether to offer it in future, so we're keen to hear your thoughts.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Joe & Sarah





While I am still running my game on Roll20 (using Heroic Maps exclusively for scenes), I am in the process of migrating it all to Foundry. So, pre-configured Foundry VTT maps is great string to add to your bow from my point of view. Plus 1 from me.


What format are the FVTT files in when purchased through DrivethroughRPG? How best to get them into my FVTT game? I used The Forge for hosting.

Heroic Maps

They're setup as a folder you can put straight into your modules folder. Just unzip there, then activate them in Foundry. I'm not sure about Forge or how it works. Our intention is that these files will be on your actual laptop/PC, and not cloud-based.