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Adventure supplements for maps released between January and March 2022

January 2022:

The Jungle Trading Post - Five page adventure supplement & regional map

Mountain Wilderness Trading Post Winter - One Page GM Supplement

February 2022:

The Cave of Wonders - Five page adventure supplement & regional map

Crosshilt Lane -One Page GM Supplement

March 2022

The Towers of Vigal's Watch - supplement covering all four towers



Rob Leonard

I really like the Jungle Trading Post supplement and the area map you provided. Good stuff!

Al Yen

Crosshilt Lane... I can't find a relating map. Did I miss something?

Heroic Maps

Crosshilt was never a Patreon map - it's on sale at DTRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/380858/Heroic-Maps--Crosshilt-Lane-Summer