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Hey everyone,

Totally forgot that we hadn't shared the previews of July's megadungeons yet, and you'll be getting them tomorrow!

So, we wanted to show them off before you get them. These are the first maps of the 2 new sets.

First, for the fantasy map - Journey Along Brooklime Gorge!  This is going to be absolutely massive. The template I'm working on is 60sq x 150sq, and that's just the surface. It's going to end up a massive area for adventure!

So, for the first month, you'll be getting a 30x30 village by the river (including interior),plus a 30x30 forest map that joins to the south of it. 

For Sci-Fi people, you'll also be getting the first maps for The Crow's Nest, an old space station taken over by pirates.  The station has 2 levels, each consisting of three 20x30 maps (plus exterior views).  The first map covers the left-third of the upper deck, with a small hangar, workshops and some crew areas.

We're really excited to see these grow over the coming months!



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