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A warm welcome to Heroic Maps' Patreon to friends both new and old. We're so pleased to have you all here with us again and we're grateful you've chosen to support us. As usual, we have lots to keep you busy this month.  First, some news and reminders - skip to the end if you want to check the posting and rewards schedule for the month.

--Kingdom Project--

This month's reward bundles (coming to you on the 5th) contain our first Kingdom project maps.  You can remind yourself about what that is here, or just ignore the whole thing and continue to get loads of cool maps anyway. The choice is yours!  The Third Map that we'll be designing this month will come from your suggestions for a place in the Old Kingdom. The post requesting ideas will be up later today.

--Other news--

For some reason, we tend to have some kind of sci-fi maps deal on DrivethruRPG around the beginning of May *shrug emoji* and this year is no different. Keep your eyes peeled for a themed bundle going live on the 4th.

--Claiming Patron Benefits/Reward Bundles--

If you haven't already claimed your April reward bundle, now is a good time!

We use DrivethruRPG to deliver our reward bundles.  On Rewards Day (usually the 5th of the month), all of the maps you help fund are uploaded to DrivethruRPG. Then we'll send you a set of codes for your maps. Clicking these codes will claim the maps and add them to your Drivethru account for free. You can then download any of your maps whenever you choose - they'll stay in your account at Drivethru forever. We just ask that you click the codes and claim the maps within 2 months of receiving the code.

--Bundle contents reminder--

Every month your support helps us make a bunch of amazing maps and supplements. The content you'll receive in your bundle every month is:

  • Map of the Month - a fantasy map, at least 20x20 in size, but almost always bigger
  • 3 Variants - three thematic variants of the MotM
  • Alt-Version - suggested by you, and voted on by you, a re-imagining of the MotM
  • The Third Map - a completely different, exciting fantasy map, usually picked from Patron ideas.
  • A megadungeon level - a level from the current 6-level megadungeon
  • A multi-page adventure supplement for the MotM and a resource page for another map

Our Sci-Fi tier supporters also get:

  • A Sci-Fi Map of the Month
  • A level from the current Sci-Fi 6-part MegaMap

-- Our Patreon Schedule --

  • 2nd May -  we'll ask for your Third Map Ideas 
  • 5th May - Rewards: May's reward bundles will be ready for download.  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their map reward codes for DrivethruRPG.  The adventure supplement and the one page GM resource are uploaded to Patreon for download.
  • 7th May - MotM & Alt-Version Poll: Today we'll preview your June Map of the Month! It'll be the next map in our 6-month Kingdom Project.  It's a bit of a tricky one for Alt-Map suggestions, so we've come up with the ideas and will poll you for your favourite. 
  • 11th May - Megadungeon Polls: Six months has passed and it's time to pick new megadungeons. You can choose your favourite idea. 
  • 14th May - Sci-Fi: We'll reveal June's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons. 
  • 19th May - Alt-Map & Variants: The finished maps for the alt-version and three variants of the MotM will be ready for you to see.
  • 24th May - Third Map: We'll preview the finished Third Map. 
  • 28th May - MegaDungeons: June's MegaDungeon and Sci-Fi MegaMap levels will be ready to preview. It's the final levels for both of these sets!

And that's everything.  Yes, there's quite a lot of polls for you to vote in, so please come and help and choose which maps we'll be making for your June rewards bundles.

Joe & Sarah

Heroic Maps



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