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Hey everyone,

At the start of the month we shared with you the MotM and three variants, and asked you to suggest ideas for what's inside the ruined-entrance. There were some fantastic ideas, and we picked our favourite for each. We tried in some cases to add a few elements from other suggestions too.

So, here they are

Forest Ruins 

We loved the idea of an old airship, so inside the ruins is a tunnel leading to a sinkhole, containing an ancient airship. We'll also provide an empty version.

Desert Oasis 

This one features a small ruined temple that has been burrowed into and taken over by some kind of creature, creating a nest and colony.


We had to go with the ever-popular Sahuagin , and give you a fully underwater lair with spawning caves, throne rooms, shaman chambers etc.

Astral Ruins

We loved the idea of the place being a meeting hall for wizards, and so we've made this spectacular place. Eight chairs, one each for the arch-mage of the 8 schools of magic. Fountains and pools of raw magic, and spell-casting platforms above the Astral sea. We even positioned the seats opposite their opposite school of magic!

So, a really diverse set of maps, and some incredible locations for your adventures!

These will all be in the April reward bundle :)

p.s.  Don't forget to claim your March reward codes before they expire!



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