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Hey everyone,

It was really fun and interesting to see which alt-poll runner-ups still hold a place in your hearts!   We've picked out five, and here they are, for a second shot at immortality!

  • Desert Palace - walled oasis garden, sumptuous interior furnishing (alt-version of Wizard's House)
  • Cthulhu Rift - an Elder Gods rift, the void visible, and tentacles/warping etc reaching from the rift. (alt-version of Quarry)
  • Urban Druid House - a druid's home filled with plants (alt-version of Wizard's House)
  • Petra-style Royal Mausoleum - desert exterior, royal tombs and chambers (alt-version of Crystalcave Vaults)
  • The King's Barrow - burial mound for King and followers, gritty, catacomb, Draugr style (alt-version of Dark Wizard's Guild)

We're really excited for whichever one wins!  You have one vote and 48 hours!


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