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Hey everyone,

First we want to say thank you to everyone that is supporting us, and secondly, Happy New Year!

We have some new goals planned for Patreon, but we'd really love to hear what you have planned for your campaigns and adventures in 2021.  Let us know in the comments below - it might inspire us to make a particular map that would be useful!

As it's a New Year, we thought it would be good to remind everyone how we deliver rewards.

We use DrivethruRPG to deliver our rewards.  On Rewards Day you'll get sent a set of codes for the maps which have been uploaded to DrivethruRPG (the maps that your support has funded) .

Clicking these codes will add the maps to your DTRPG account for free. You are then free to download the maps whenever you choose - they'll stay in your account at DTRPG forever. We just ask that you click the code and claim the maps within 2 months of receiving the code.

Every month your support let's us make a bunch of amazing maps and supplements. These maps are:

  • Map of the Month - a fantasy map, at least 20x20 in size but usually more
  • 3 Variants - three thematic variants of the MotM
  • Alt-Version - suggested by you, and voted on by you, a reimagining of the MotM
  • The Third Map - another exciting fantasy map, often based on Patron ideas.
  • A megadungeon level - a level from the current megadungeon
  • A 5 page adventure supplement for the MotM and a One Page for another map

Sci-Fi supporters also get:

  • A Sci-Fi MotM
  • A level fromthe current Sci-Fi MegaMap

So, without further ado, here's the schedule for January

-- Patreon Schedule --

2nd January - Third Map Ideas: We're looking for your ideas!

5th January - Rewards: January's rewards bundles should be ready for download.  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their rewards DTRPG codes.  This will contain all the maps, whilst the adventure supplement and the one page GM resource are uploaded to Patreon.

7th January- MotM: We'll preview your February Map of the Month. We'll also ask you to comment with your suggestions for your Alt-Map, an alternative version of the MotM.

9th January -  Poll: 48hr poll opens for the Alt version of the Map of the Month. You decide what we make.

13th January - Sci-Fi: Reveal of February's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons.

18th January - Variants: You'll see previews of the three variants of the MotM.

21st January - Alt-Map: We'll preview the finished version of your February Alt-map.

25th January - Third Map: We'll preview the Third Map :)

28th January - MegaDungeons: February's MegaDungeon and Sci-Fi MegaMap levels are ready for a preview.

We've got some excellent maps planned for the month!

Thanks to everyone that supports us, especially at this difficult time. It's really appreciated.

Joe & Sarah

Heroic Maps



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