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Hey everyone,

First, we wanted to mention the winner of the random Third Map pick. We had dozens of great ideas, and we randomly picked a winner from all the entries.  The winner was Nathan Mitchell and their idea of 'The Spring of Life - a verdant valley & spring, surrounded by deep winter'.  This map will be the 3rd Map for January.

Secondly, it's time for the alt-version poll.  We were pleasantly surprised by how much love Fort of the Dragon-Egg Guard got, and there were some amazing ideas for alts.

We've picked our favourite 6:

Dwarven Mine Last Stand - abandoned mine in the caverns, and ruined barricades etc in the chambers.

Paladin Holy Well - rooms and chapels etc built around a Well of Light, where paladins train and meditate.

Dammed Lake - the dammed end of a lake, above forested river banks. A camp has been set up in the ruins

Jungle Ruins - Aztec style ruins with traps and tribal defences

Ghoul Town - a bloodstained charnel altar, with rundown hovels and caves where ghouls shamble between life &death

Barbarian Sacred Site - a winter mountain slope, with barbarian defences for a sacred site and small settlement

Lots of fun ideas!  You have 48 hours to cast your vote!

Good luck!


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