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Hey everyone,

We're coming to the end of the current megadungeon - The Tower Under Mudstick Hill. December will be the 6th and final level for this set, and so it's time to decide the next one. It'll have 6 levels, and will run from January to June.  We've picked some ideas from the previous polls, but also added a couple of new ones too.

So, the options are:

Caverns of the Darkroad - Used by Drow centuries before, this route takes a traveller through fungus-filled caverns and then down to the ruins of a Drow city.

The Citadel of Tarvalhoth the Sorceror - The stronghold of a powerful and dangerous sorceror - who knows what threats can be found in the upper levels?

The Catacombs Beneath Umbergate - ancient crypts and tombs beneath a city, heading deeper into ancient burials and forgotten chambers.

Caves of the Sea Beast - coastal cliffs and caves, leading to deeper sea-filled caverns and hidden air-pockets.

The Ant Nest - a colossal ant nest, twisting down into the earth

You have 48 hours to cast your vote! :)  Good luck!


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