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Hey everyone,

Preview time!  We figured it was time for a classic dungeon, and so we've created the Crypt of the Vampire Queen, a 30x30 map featuring dozens of tombs and coffins, disorientating corridors and some tricky challenges!

This map will be in the November reward bundle, as well as three variants. These aren't made yet, but are going to be:

  • Classical ancient Greek, with mosaic floors, in a mountain setting
  • Elven tomb, in white marble, with forest and pools outside
  • Ancient Egyptian, with sarcophagi and suitable decoration!

Of course, we now want to hear your ideas for the alt-version! How can we reskin this map? How would you reimagine it? Remember, it needs to be a fantasy themed idea, and should involve modifications of this map, and not an entirely new thing.   Please put your ideas in the comments. We'll pick our favourites and put it to a poll!

Thanks for your support!



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