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Thank you for all your kind words about Joe.  He is doing a bit better, but I think it will be a slow week.  We really do appreciate your patience in waiting to see your maps.

I've got the previews of the variants here, but first a few words on this month's other maps (your rewards due in the first week of October) to tide you over until you can see them.

Sci-fi map - it is waiting to be finished off (some furnishings and details still need to be put in), but to whet your appetites I can let you know the map is New Atami Police Station!

Alt map - in our poll, you collectively chose the outlaw camp behind a waterfall as the alternate version of this month's Map of the Month.  We're really excited to rejig the map for that one, add in some foresty bits etc.  Hopefully should be a fun map.

Third map - you suggested map ideas on the theme of 'ghosts' and our random our dice roll selected a haunted battlefield!  I'm afraid we didn't note the name of the suggester and now I've looked I see about 4 of you suggested something similar - so thank you to everyone whose idea this was!  We are going to make two versions for you: an ancient battlefield site, strewn with bones and weapons, some ruins etc and the same location at night in spectral form hopefully with aspects of the battle still happening (if we can get that looking good).

The Megamaps - your next Mudstick level is good to go and travels below the necromancer's quarters to the old ground floor of the tower; the Locus (needs a few finishing touches) is now down beneath the abandoned levels of the weapon and there are some signs of life...

Anyway, back to the MotM variants:

First up is the flooded version of Crystalcave Vaults:

We also have an abandoned version, partially raided.

The last variant comes away from the crystal theme and gives the vaults a more traditional dungeon feel.  We're calling this one Clankcave Vaults.



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