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Hey everyone,

As you may have seen in a post earlier, we were having some issues with Dropbox, and patrons were unable to access the links. We've decided to move away from Dropbox now as it no longer suits our needs. As a result, all existing Dropbox links are now deleted.

So, how will you get your rewards?

On Rewards Day (usually the 5th or 6th of each month), in addition to a post detailing what's in the reward bundle, there will also be a Reward Link post for each tier. This brief post will just contain the files, as attachments (not Dropbox links anymore).  This post will stay available for a month, after which it will expire. So, make sure you download your rewards!

What happens if I don't download it in time?

Not to worry -  just message us and we'll sort out a link for you. The same applies to old maps that you didn't get round to downloading.

What if I want to purchase a back-issue reward bundle?

Again, just get in touch with us. The process for this won't change.

There will be a bit of admin as we sort out the migration, including lots of posts as we put the downloads for the Year 1 Vault onto Patreon, so please accept our apologies for lots of new posts in the next few hours!    However, we want to get it all sorted so that we're good to go for the rewards in the first week of July. We think that this will actually be a good thing too, having the Patreon rewards here on Patreon, and not needing to visit an external link.


Joe & Sarah


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