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Hey everyone,

You may have noticed that we've been a little quiet on Drivethru for the past 2 weeks or so - and that's because we've been working on a huge map set.

Setting up a game of D&D on AstralVTT, I was struck that, despite having lots of village maps available to me to use - it wasn't enough! Villages are a staple location, and lots get visited during the course of a campaign. You need different villages, in different locations. 

So, as is often the case, this inspired us and got us thinking.  We decided to make a new set for the Discover range. The Discover range consists of surface maps with a range of different interiors/sub levels, allowing the GM to decide what's there. We thought it would be very useful to have a set of maps that use a limited number of building shapes, and then produce a set of different interiors for those. That allows the GM to vary what's in the houses, increasing re-usability.

We decided to design a set of eight 20x20 villages, comprising two in each of four locations - a generic setting, a river, farmland and a forest.  We then added into the mix seasonal variants, meaning a total of 32 village maps! The interiors set can be used across any of them (or even stand-alone), making this a very useful set!

If you're interested in taking a look, you can see it here:  

Discover: Villages Bundle 

Bonus Tiles

We've also made two exclusive bonus tiles, just for you guys! They work perfectly well on their own, but also fit with the buildings in the Discover:Villages range. You can download them from this message

So, that's where we've been the past few weeks - building villages!



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