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Hello Patrons!  We hope you are all keeping safe and well.  A bit of good news here to start the month, plus our post schedule for May.

-- New Goals --

We haven't had any new goals for you for a while as we wanted to make sure we only added things that were useful to you and were viable for us.  We've come up with some ideas we hope you will like!  Two of these will be unlocked at 625 patrons, which should hopefully mean this month.

The first, at 625 patrons, is the addition of three extra maps a month for every patron.
Back when we started our alt maps, the intention was to make things like 'this, but at night' or 'this, but in a desert'.  Now, thanks to all your brilliant suggestions and the way our work has progressed over the last few years, we're able to make things like 'this building, but it's not a barracks, it's a theatre and it's on an island, not in the city'!  Our alt -map has become very much a reimagined/repurposed version. So, we would now like to add back in some basic variants for the Map of the Month.  We will decide some appropriate variants for the main map each month (perhaps night, winter, sunken, desert, haunted or planar - you get the idea) and make three to add to your $5 reward bundles!  If you subscribe at that tier you will be getting seven maps for your money every month.

Next, again at 625 patrons, we are opening our year 1 vault to all patrons.  This means there is an archive of 34 maps (plus supplements) from our back catalogue available for patrons to download any time.

Thirdly, $8 patrons, we haven't forgotten you.  At 650 patrons, we are going to add a sci-fi megamap to your bundle - 1 map per month of a six part 'megamap'.  In other words, a scif-fi version of the megadungeon.  When we're getting near, we will run a poll so we can decide together what we'll make.  It could be six levels of a galactic prison; it could be six levels of a space station; it could even be six maps that fit together as one huge map of a dystopian city.  We can talk about it soon!

To summarise:

- 625 patrons a month: all $5 bundles to get three variants of the Map of the Month

- 625 patrons a month:  the vault of our Year 1 Patreon maps will be opened to all patrons

- 650 patrons a month: sci-fi megamap!  One part a month of a six-map set.

-- Patreon Schedule --

Here is our plan for map previews, polls and posts this month.

2nd May - Third Map Contest: We'll give you a theme and roll a dice to pick an idea from your suggestions

4th May - Suggestions for Sci-Fi Map: We're asking you this month :)

6th May - Rewards: May's reward bundles should be ready for download.  Everyone that had their payment processed by Patreon at the beginning of this month will receive their rewards download link.  This will contain all the maps, the adventure supplement and the one page GM resource.  

7th May - MotM: We'll preview your June Map of the Month. We'll also ask you to comment with your suggestions for your Alt-Map, an alternative version of the MotM.

9th May -  Poll: 48hr poll opens for the Alt version of the Map of the Month. You decide what we make.

15th May - Sci-Fi: the reveal of June's Sci-Fi map for our $8 tier patrons. 

18th May - Mega-Dungeon Poll: We'll ask you to vote and decide the theme for the next megadungeon, which will debut in June.

20th May - Alt-Map: We'll preview your finished June Alt-map.

23rd May - Third Map: June's Third Map will be finished and ready to be previewed today. 

26th May - Megadungeon: Take a look at the sixth and final level of The Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc megadungeon.

That's all for this month.  If your're an $8 patron, you'll definitely want to check back on Monday for a free tile and to give us your suggestions for this months map!



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