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Hello! Welcome to our Patreon Map of the Month Club.

We create battlemaps for tabletop fantasy and sci-fi RPGs. Our maps allow players to explore unique, detailed and exciting locations and our accompanying game supplements help GMs run fun adventures. Your support means we can provide GMs with even more places in which to let their players run riot and to thank you we have some great rewards.

Thinking of supporting us? Please read our FAQ.

Patrons receive up to 9 new maps a month. Every month, we make a Map of the Month for our patrons and a whole host of variants, alt-versions and completely different maps, as well as supplements to help you use the maps.

We have tiers for both fantasy fans and those who also want sci-fi maps.

Patrons also have access to a VTT vault containing hundreds of maps. Map list.

Fantasy VTT Vault

Sci-Fi VTT Vault

FoundryVTT Vault


By kindly becoming a patron of Heroic Maps on Patreon, you will help us have a more predictable income and that will allow us to spend more time creating maps.  

We have some great rewards to thank you.  

Choose our $5 per month reward tier to support our work - every month we'll give you a link to download your rewards. 

Choose our $8 tier to get all of the $5 tier rewards plus 2 sci-fi themed maps every month.

Rewards are in pdf and jpg/png formats and in grid/gridless versions. Patrons get both high-quality versions for printing and lower resolution versions for VTT use.

Foundry players: choose one of our FoundryVTT tiers to also get your maps set-up as a FoundryVTT module with walls, doors and lighting.

Every month that you support us, you can download a bundle of maps and supplements that your support and ideas have helped to create!

Every month our $5 patrons receive:


  • a 20x20 (usually bigger) Map of the Month battlemap designed for patrons
  • 3 interesting variants of the Map of the Month
  • an alternate version of the Map of the Month designed using patrons' ideas 
  • a different third map designed using patron suggestions
  • a level from a multi-level dungeon (6 levels, 6 months = 1 megadungeon)


  • a multi-page GM's adventure supplement for the MotM, with plot hooks, monsters, NPCs, items etc 
  • a GM Resources sheet for a recent map release 

And even more plus:

  • access to a Patreon vault of hundreds of VTT maps

Patrons also get:

  • regular discount codes for our new products on DrivethruRPG 
  • to suggest ideas and vote on various maps to be made
  • freebie bonus map tiles for sets such as our modular kits

 How will I receive my rewards?

Our reward bundles contain large files and so are hosted on DrivethruRPG. On Rewards day (or when you first join), you'll be sent a set of codes for the maps on DrivethruRPG. Clicking these codes will add the maps to your DTRPG account for free. You can then download the maps whenever you want to - they'll stay in your account at DTRPG forever. We just ask that you click the code and claim your maps within 2 months of receiving the code.

GM supplements and FoundryVTT rewards are available here on Patreon.

We are Joe and Sarah and we have been designing and making detailed, high-res battlemaps and terrains for tabletop RPG games since 2013.  These are available on DrivethruRPG as pdf and jpg downloads for printing or VTT.  We have a huge backlog of ideas for RPG maps that we want to make, quite a few of which have been suggested by you, and we would love to spend more time making them.  


E Rad

I support more than a dozen map creators and there are very, very few Drow-specific maps. I'd really appreciate some Drow-themed temples, cities, etc. If Drow is too specific, then some Underdark would be a decent consolation.


Some help please! looking for Wood Buildings: log cabins, Viking Houses, saltbox style, cottages basically wood walled plan in lieu of stone walled plans. Which current set(s) would have these. I see Ashweald Hold, HalflingShire (although it seems earthbound)? Most building interiors are stone walled or am I missing wooden wall set or two?

Robert Ackling

Hi, I am still waiting on a reply to my September 26 message regarding this month's subscription. I know you are busy, but can you please respond, as I do not want to miss September's releases.

Bruno Marcon

Dear, the new DriveThruRPG way for download file is really a mess, I need a lot lot of time to download files, one by one, not two in parallel. I must click on file, wait the download start, then click on another file. Is there a way to get all the files more easily ? I hope I will not have to spend 40mn each month to download a reward ? :-|