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Just a few words to explain that unfortunately your maps bundle will be a little delayed this month.  At the weekend, Joe's Mum died suddenly and unexpectedly, so we are a bit all over the place with things right now (quite literally even, as Joe's family live quite far from us).  Hopefully you will understand this has set us back a bit with work. 

Obviously the maps are all completed (you've seen them), but the 'processing' work of making them ready to use still needs to be done and the adventure supplements need a bit of finishing off.  We have set ourselves a deadline of the 11th to get them sorted by, so that they aren't more than a week late.  We will get everything to you as soon as we can. 

We have also rejigged our schedule for December to try and take account of events.  The next Map of the Month is done and is ready for previewing in a couple of days time as usual, but other things might show up at random times!  We do have another advent release ready to go on Drivethru this weekend, but we'll have to see how the rest of the month goes.


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