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Hi all,

If you've had a chance to look through the adventure supplement for November's Map of the Month - Fortress of the Demonknight, you may have noticed that the aG'nahel gate is mentioned as being nearby. We also described how this gateway to hell has an opening in the material plane in a place called Narfell.

Well, we thought it would be really useful to have the Narfell gate as a battlemap. It'll be a great setting if you need to travel to the Abyss, and so have the Narfell Gate as a destination, or if you escape from the Abyss, or if suddenly a demon portal appears!

We've pictured the story here as the infernal gate has suddenly erupted from below, destroying the building it appeared within, and spreading blight in the area around it. The inhabitants of the city have fled, leaving the rest to decay and become overgrown by plants.  

We're sure that you could think of hundreds of ways to use this map. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.

If you'd like to pick it up, you can use this discount code to get 50% off (valid for a week)


Joe & Sarah



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