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Hi all,

As you know, when we shared the October reward bundle we let you know that due to issues with Sarah's laptop, we weren't able to get the Adventure Supplement and the One Page GM Sheet out to you.  Unfortunately we've since found that the files were corrupted in the issue, and so are lost :(    

We decided that as a replacement for this month we'd do an additional Alt-Version map for the Glade of the Fey Council, and so here is the Glade of the Dark Fey Council, which was one of the popular runners-up in the alt-version poll.

The link to this will be in your messages, so do check there.

Sorry for this. We do love the supplements, and we get lots of messages and comments from you about how you've used the ideas etc, but they are a lot of work and it was difficult to start again from scratch! Hopefully this map will get lots of use in your games.



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