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Thanks to all of you that took the time to suggest ideas for the theme of the next megadungeon. We enjoyed talking through the various ideas. There were some really good suggestions that, whilst not right for a megadungeon, definitely do deserve to be made at another point.  

We have picked three options, and also brought in the two runner-up ideas from the very first Megadungeon poll.  So, they are:

The Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc - Deep in the jungle, this once grand tomb complex is now ruined, overgrown and dank, but may hold a great treasure. (previous runner-up)

Caverns of the Darkroad - Used by Drow centuries before, this route takes a traveller through fungus-filled caverns and then down to the ruins of a Drow city. (previous runner-up)

Goblinstair Cavern- The home of a tribe of goblins, built around a deep chasm in  a cave. Rickety bridges, wooden platforms, crudely carved chambers extending both up and down. 

The Citadel of Tarvalhoth the Sorceror - The stronghold of a powerful and dangerous sorceror - who knows what threats can be found in the upper levels?

The Tower under Mudstick Hill - Buried centuries ago in a huge mudslide, no-one thinks that the crumbling ruins at the top of the hill are actually the tip of a huge tower that extends deep beneath the earth. 

Some great options, eh?  Think carefully - you have one vote, and 48 hours to cast it :)


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