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We hope you liked your April bundle of rewards and that you find lots of great ways to use them in your games.  It's already time to take a look at May's Map of the Month!

You've been asking for an observatory for a while, so we finally made one and we think it's a really special little location (20x30).   There's an observatory up on a hill and a couple of supporting buildings for the astronomer below.  We also just had to make day and night versions, so your map of the month is a double treat.

Focus your telescopes and have a look!

Alternate version

Of course, the observatory needs to turn into something else for your Alt-Map for May.  That little hill is going to lend itself to all sorts of different things.  What would you change this map into?  Let us know in the comments and we'll pick some ideas to put to the vote in a few days time.



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