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The Third Map - Winner

Thank you for all of your ideas for the third map.  We went through all the ideas and held a grand winner-stays-on fight to decide our favourite.  

Winner - The last map standing was Jörg Pentz's idea for a beach leading to cliffs and a ravine heading off inland (picture an Icelandic beach, with black sand and columnar basalt cliffs).  The icy scene will also featured a wrecked viking-style ship.  It seems like a great place to start an adventure and also somewhere really different to places we've made before.

Spectral Tilleadh Castle & DTRPG issues

You might have noticed we've been very quiet on the new maps front.  We're still unable to upload any new products to DrivethruRPG, but we really hope these problems will be fixed soon as we have some great stuff ready to go online.

One of these is the spectral version of Tilleadh castle, an idea we had really liked from your alt-map poll.  You can see some preview pictures below.  The pack contains day and night versions of a ruined Tilleadh Castle (with spectral forms at night), and also a night version of the occupied Tilleadh castle with spectral walls outside.  Be assured that when it is finally online we will have a huge discount for you here!


Also waiting to go online are 8 maps finishing off the Dwarven mega-city Valdisfjell.  All 12 maps will be going into a great-value bundle.  Here's a sneak peak picture that we took of some of the new areas.

Other projects

As we mentioned before, February is acting as a bit of a mop-up month for us during which we are aiming to finish some older projects.  Next up: sci-fi modular rooms!

We also have our annual Valentines map due out next week, but obviously we are waiting to see what happens with Drivethru <\3

In March we are planning to work on a new project that we'll let you in on as soon as we can and in April we're planning on bringing out the next set of Heroquest-related maps.  

So, lots of plans and hopefully some for you to look forward to.   Are there any other older projects that you would like us to go back and finish/expand upon?   We can always use a reminder!



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