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Time for a preview!

The winner of the Alt-version poll we had a little while back was to turn the Castle in the Swamp into a Lighthouse. We loved this idea - the idea of a windswept wave-battered island, with a lighthouse braving the hazards!  So, here it is. It's a set of 30x30 maps. We've decided to give day and night versions, and also have added an extra level to the tower. And, so that you can have adventures where you have to light the beacon, we'll also be including unlit versions of the beacon (not shown in the preview pic).  Hopefully you can see lots of scope for adventures!

This bunch of maps will be part of your February reward bundle.

What's this place called?

We'd love to hear your suggestions for the name of this location. We've just called it 'The Lighthouse', but we'd like to hear what evocative or interesting names you can come up with for it.



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