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We're really grateful to have stayed at over 475 patrons this month, and so as promised we've begun your new 1-level-a-month megadungeon reward - first installment coming to your patron bundles at the beginning of January!

A few weeks ago you voted on a theme and the winning idea was entitled The Fallen Stronghold.  We have designed a 6 level dungeon and have started the process of turning that into maps by getting going with the entrance level (sensible place to start, eh?)  It's the top level of the dungeon, which will descend another five levels.

Here's a preview of the 20x20 map that you'll get with your January rewards.  Beneath that we've written up a story concept for The Fallen Stronghold so that you'll know what to expect a little bit.  If you're a GM the notes might help you start planning how you might use the set.

The Fallen Stronghold

Guarding the mines of the highly-prized greenstone, this mountain fortress once bustled with miners, soldiers and their commanders.  Its vantage point high on Orvisht mountain and its impressive defenses made the stronghold largely unconquerable.  Or so its owners thought.  One day something spilled up from the mines below.  Something that was more desperate for the greenstone than any other foe had ever been before.  The enemy broke into the stronghold on one of its lower levels, catching the miners by surprise.  The defending force put up hasty barricades and a brave fight but were eventually overwhelmed.  Abandoning the stronghold, they left the terror that came from the mines to make its filthy home in the vault in the depths of the fortress.

Years after the stronghold fell into disuse something else came.  Something from the skies.
The huge front doors that the miners had bolted shut when they fled posed it little challenge.  Smashing through the entrance, it rammed its way past the rooms where miners once slept and soldiers once trained and crashed down a few levels to the old mess hall.  There it found enough space to make a home.  It need go no further.  It doesn't concern itself with what lives below.  But it doesn't want to be disturbed.  That would make it very angry.

Thank you for everything this year!

We can't say it often enough - thank you so much for supporting us this year, both on Patreon and on Drivethru.  We hope you've been happy with all of your rewards and we promise to keep making awesome stuff for you in 2019.  

If you're celebrating at this time of year we hope you've had a wonderful festive season and we wish all of you an excellent year to come.



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