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We promised you if we had exceeded our 475 target by the 14th December that we would add the first level of the multi-level Megadungeon to your January rewards bundle.  And now we can confirm that we will!  Thank you everyone - it is awesome to reach this target and start an exciting new project.  Do tell your friends that our amazing value reward bundle has just got even better.

What is the Megadungeon?

Ok, details.  So, the 'dungeon' will consist of six 20x20 levels: a top surface/entry level, four in-between levels and a boss/concluding space at the bottom of the dungeon.  Everyone will receive one level a month.

What will it look like?

Well, we need you to decide on the theme.  We have come up with 5 concepts for you to choose from and we will design the dungeon once the poll concludes.  

Coming up with the names gave us lots of inspiration for the different places so we are excited to see which one you choose!

Details - read before voting

  • The Catacombs Beneath Umbergate - ancient crypts and tombs beneath a city, heading deeper into ancient burials and forgotten chambers.
  • The Lost Tombs of Cuatemoc - Deep in the jungle, this once grand tomb complex is now ruined, overgrown and dank, but may hold a great treasure.
  • Caverns of the Darkroad - Used by Drow centuries before, this route takes a traveller through fungus-filled caverns and then down to the ruins of a Drow city.
  • King Ceolwulf's Mines - King Ceolwulf has always been ambitious, and his new silver mine has dug deeper than ever before!
  • The Fallen Stronghold - Broken doors, scattered weapons, moldering bones - the mementos of a violent battle long in the past. Now, the subterranean stone corridors are dusty and abandoned. Or are they?

Vote for your favourite!  Poll closes in 48hrs.


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