January's Map of the Month Preview - Camp Windsbite (Patreon)
Hope you're enjoying your December rewards, and are planning how to use the maps and supplements in your games.
We're very happy to reveal the first map of 2019 - Camp Windsbite. This 20x30 map shows a small camp built in the shelter of a ruined keep, in a cold and snowy mountain pass at night. There are some camp fires lighting the area, but plenty of shadow for sneaking!
As usual, here's where we ask you for your suggestions. What should the alt-version of this map be? How could it be reimagined to make a new location? What small changes could we make to make it into a new map? Remember that it's a re-skin of the map, with small changes - not making an entirely new thing.
Post your suggestions in the comments below. We'll pick our favourites in a couple of days, and then create a poll. The winning idea will be made into the alt-version for January's reward bundle.
Get thinking!
Joe & Sarah