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Another discount? There was one only 2 days ago...

Yes - we love our awesome patrons, and we love you enjoying and using our maps :)

A tournament map has been long requested by people on our facebook/twitter and Patreon. We started this map originally as a 20x30 focused around the jousting ground and some stands, and then decided to expand it to 30x30 to fit more a tournament and camp. And then, we decided to make it part of our Discover range.

If you're not familiar with that, it means that there's a base map that contains doors/entrances etc, and then a range of different interior maps. The GM can use any of them, and there's more interiors than entrances, so there's lots of variety and surprises. In this case, we decided that it would be really fun to have different interiors for the large pavillion tents, and so we've made 11 different interiors (quarters for rich knights, poor knights, a noble, armoury, stores, a murder scene etc)

If you'd like to pick this map up you can use this exclusive Patreon 50% discount (valid for a week).

Hope your party enjoy taking part in the tournament, and uncovering some trouble!



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