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Thank you for all your ideas for next month's third map.  We put them into a table and rolled for a winner - number 16 came up.  Slightly unsurprisingly, as so many of you suggested something along those lines, the winner is a parliament style building.

Vector169 was the actual winner (congratulations Vector!) and their request was for "a political building similar to the building parliament was in at that time".  So we will make some sort of parliament building on a 20x30 map.  

We think it will be nice to make a second level, with a simple undercroft/cellar.  Yes, we do always stress that we want you to suggest single level maps here, but really, this one needs its cellar!

Finally, Vector's was the entry that suggested an adventure supplement covering some of the basics of the plot might also be useful.  We gave it a bit of careful thought and have decided to make next month's GM Resource Sheet gunpowder plot-inspired.  It won't be the exact names and details of the 1605 plot, but we'll take lots of inspiration from them and give you lots of resources to use if you want to play a blow-up-the-king style adventure.



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