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Hey everyone,

We're very happy to show a preview of the Map of the Month for October. We decided that, since the Market Square map from a few months back was so popular and useful, we'd revisit the area and map out a new location. So, here are the North Docks - a great location for adventure, intrigue, chases, raids, pirates, drunken fights and sinister meetings.


This map will be the Map of the Month, and will have a fun adventure supplement with it. It'll also form the basis for the alt-version; a re-imagining of the map.

As usual, we'd like your suggestions for how this map could be 're-skinned' and tweaked to make an alternative - it could be a seasonal or environmental change, or something far more creative. 

We'll collect your suggestions together in a couple of days, and then create a poll of our favourites :)



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