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October's rewards will mark the first anniversary of our Map of the Month club here on Patreon - 12 months of rewards bundles!   We thought it would be fun if this month's Third Map marked that anniversary.

Once again we are looking for your suggestions and will pick our favourite, but here is what we want you to do:

  • have a look back over all of the Patreon maps we have made for you (there's a handy list here)
  • Part 1: in the comments below, tell us which was your favourite - maybe your choice reflects a map you used in a great game, maybe you just loved the layout, maybe it was a map you suggested!
  • Part 2: what map would make a great sequel to your favourite?  Not a map physically connected to the original, but a thematic/locational sequel, something that adds to the adventure you could have, expanding the world or adding more context and a further place to visit.

An example

If your favourite map was the Thunderena, you might suggest a Mad Max style settlement or fort as a sequel map

We will pick our favorite idea on Tuesday 4th September.

Good luck!



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