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Hopefully you've all seen the preview pictures we shared the other day, showing snippets of the HeroQuest maps we've been working on.

They're online now at Drivethru, covering 5 Quests - the first four quests in the UK/Europe book and the alternative (for us!) first US quest (The Maze).  All 5 maps are available as a bundle , which provides a 15% discount over buying them separately.

To give our patrons a little something extra, we've got a 75% discount code for the Trial of the Gargoyle map.  

If you intend to buy the bundle, please buy the discounted Gargoyle map first and then go back for the bundle.  This will mean you'll have had a 75% discount on the Gargoyle map and will still get 15% off all the other maps.

Edit: Sorry everyone, it seems Drivethru's servers are being a bit slow updating to show your "previous purchaser discount" on the bundle.  Please wait until the bundle displays your discount for the previous Gargoyle purchase.  Like this example:

We've got more of these maps planned for the coming months so we'll let you know when the next bundle is out.

If you're not interested in HeroQuest, we think you'll find these are very usable maps regardless of their original inspiration so do check them out!



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