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Way back in the distant past at the beginning of the month we held a competition to determine the theme of your Third Map for May.  The winning idea was a small wizard academy, as suggested by Robert Trift.

The 20x30 map is now completed, so we can let you have a look!  We decided to make it a cheerful little school run by a wizard, whose cottage sits at the front of the grounds.  The buildings for his academy stand along the back of his land, comprising dormitories, classrooms and a library/study room, all connected by a cloistered walkway.  A separate refectory and kitchen can be reached by crossing the yard if you are careful to avoid the area where the apprentices try out their magic against each other!

Looks like a fun place to complete an apprenticeship and have lots of adventures, eh?

This map will be available for download with your May rewards at the start of next month.

A little secret

You may know that this Saturday is International Tabletop Day.  Well, we might just have a little treat for you, so check back then!



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