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If you have not seen the results, the poll for the alt-map was won by the lizardfolk cave.  We are working on this map at the moment and should have the preview ready for you to see tomorrow.  It's our very first map where you can visit a lizardy settlement!


We are working on some options for these and hope to get them updated in the next fortnight.  We're trying to work things out so they balance time-wise and financially for us, which is why we haven't rushed into putting up new goals.  But we're getting there.

What have we been working on?

At the beginning of the month we released Forge of the Fire Hammer.  The screenshots below show some of the stages of making of that map - the layout even changed after the basic blocking out phase had been completed, which is not something we often do.

After that we released the Castle of the Holy Sands and then a large WWII terrain map - Normandy Bocage.  A bit of a departure for us, but Joe made it to play Osprey's Bolt Action, which he has been busy crafting terrain for lately.  He had the map printed on cotton and can be seen in the picture below inspecting the print quality when it arrived earlier today (verdict: not totally happy).

Next we made a salt marsh and adjoining Saxon-style monastery, Fenherrick, which we uploaded to Drivethru today.  The monastery was a redraw of a concept we mapped out maybe 3 years ago and didn't complete, but a recent request for a mudflat type terrain made us revisit the idea.

At the moment we are working on Patreon maps and then have a fun Giant's Cave to get done.  There will be big furniture.

Maps in action

Over the Easter period a crucial member - the leader - of our secondary Pathfinder party was home from university, so we managed to get in two games.  We used some of the Patreon maps - The Weary Wyrm Tavern and Fort Sarcell (as well as many ideas from the supplement) and we took some pictures to show you.  Sadly the picture of Joe's homemade Petrothere didn't turn out well - the monster just camouflaged too much into the winter treescape behind him, but you can see some little cobble imps in the Sarcell shot.

That's it for us.  What have you all been up to game-wise this month?  



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