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Oop, March has nearly finished and we haven't shown you the last of next month's rewards - April's Third Map, The Pool of Awakening.  

Inspired by David Wilkinson's suggestion of a ritual pool in a blighted landscape, this 20x30 map features a dark, sinister pool, overlooked by ancient tiered seating and an altar.  The pillars on the southern side of the pool anchor small chains, perhaps to hold a candidate for sacrifice, and the four pillars to the north have larger chains to hold something bigger...  something that has been reborn and has scratched it's way out of the pool.

This map is part of your April rewards pack and so will be available for you to download around the 5th of next month, after Patreon has processed your payments.  

We are going to post a full month's schedule on the first of each month, so on the 1st of April you will be able to see the dates everything will be happening next month.



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