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It is six months now since we started our Map of the Month Club on Patreon - we set up in September and your first rewards were in October.   We made this graphic of all of the main rewards so far to post elsewhere but thought it would be fun to post here as it is a nice look back at everything we've done here so far.  Your March rewards will of course be with you this coming weekend.

We're so grateful to everyone for supporting us here and we really hope you're enjoying your maps every month.   You are all such a big part of making this MotM work and we love reading through all your comments and ideas.  When we choose the main MotM we wonder what the alt-version might be, then we remind ourselves that the patrons will think of things we won't come up with!  Sometimes some of the more unusual ideas are our favourites, but even when they don't win we are paying attention and learning what kinds of settings you need.  It is genuinely a lot of fun for us to watch the poll results coming in.

One of our aims here was to have a more predictable income and we have definitely achieved that.  In fact, at the start of May, Joe is going to be switching from his full-time teaching career to try working on maps full time instead.  Mapping is much more fun than marking.  We're really excited about being able to make more maps and spend our time being creative and working on rpg things.

Thank you all so much for your support.   The next six months here on the Map of the Month Club should be even better and we've got lots planned, so stay tuned and stick with us  <3



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