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Poll results

The arcane library won the poll for March's alt-map.  We're really excited about how that is going to look and should have the preview ready for you around the 20th February.

300+ patrons = extra map

As we mentioned a few days ago, we were amazed to have already surpassed our 300+ patrons goal.  Meeting this target means that everyone will get an extra map this month (and every month that we stay over 300 patrons).  For the sake of discussions, we're going to call this the Third Map.

So, for your $5 support you will now receive:

  • Map of the month
  • Alternate version of the map of the month
  • Adventure Supplement
  • A Third Map

For the ideas for the Third Map we are going to use various different methods - MotM partner maps, patron contests, dice rolls etc.  We have chosen the idea for March's map, to make things simple for us this first month.  It will be the top surface that matches the Map of the Month and so will be a overgrown, ruined keep.  We will do a partner map like this when we think it will really add something to the MotM.  

April's Third Map will involve a dice roll to pick from patron suggestions. More details on this once we are into March, but we will give a broad category to which you can tailor your suggestions - could be dungeons, outdoor locations, demonic places etc etc.  The result will be a completely random pick from your ideas!  We'll see how that works out...

Map updates

Whilst working on a more time consuming project (see below), we finished up some Sci-Fi Battle Spaces we'd had in mind for a while and completed a commissioned terrain map - a Dusty Road that is going to be used for a Wild West game, but works equally well for other games in desert settings.

You will all have seen our Valentine's map, the Day and Night Temple of Love.  We enjoyed making a few classical style temples lately and so decided to make some more for Valentines (after an abortive light/dark twin romantic tombs thing that just wouldn't draw up properly - maybe another time).

Most of the rest of the month has been spent on our new modular set for a Desert City.  The first kit is going to be a combined Streets, Roofs and Market set.  Here's is a sneak preview:

Sets that will follow in the coming weeks are the Houses (house interiors) and Shops/Civic Buildings.  They will lend themselves more to free tiles for our lovely patrons than this first set, so keep an eye out for some freebies for this set in the future.

The Pickled Wyvern in the wild

We had a few games recently that used Patreon reward maps so we thought you might like to see some shots of one of the maps in use.  The party visited an abandoned Pickled Wyvern and ambushed a wizard and his henchmen who had kidnapped a party member, our axe-wielding half-orc prince Dorvar.

Some of us distracted the guard at the front by chucking rocks while our expert rogue Rouven sneaked round the back, past the toilets.  Once we had quietly killed the guard at the front and prepared to storm the building, we gave the signal for Rouven to charge in.  Unfortunately, he managed to roll a critical fail and then twice rolled a 100 on the fumble table, ending up rolling 6 times.  Instead of the surprise attack we planned, he managed to badly injure himself and just fall through the door at the wizard's feet.

Luckily the party dealt with the gang and headed off to search for our friend, not before securing the Pickled Wyvern and adding it to the portfolio of pubs that we run.

And that's everything we've been up to at the moment!


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