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300+ Patrons

Firstly, you may have spotted that we have met our next goal and have over 300 patrons.  Yes, that means you will all be getting another map in March on top of your Map of the Month and its alternate version - all still for your $5.  We just want to say a huge thanks to all of you for helping us achieve this.  We never thought we would get to this point so quickly!

In a separate post coming soon we will detail a bit more about the Third Map, ideas we have for it etc.  

Adding in the Third Map means we need to tweak that schedule we detailed last month and so your Map of the Month map reveal is now going to be posted a little earlier in the month.  Speaking of which...

March's Map of the Month preview

Next month's Map of the Month will be The Dungeon of Mydstep Keep, the underground rooms of a small ruined castle.  Amongst the rubble, the dank, mossy rooms and flooded areas, someone has quietly set up a couple of habitable rooms - we wonder who and why?

We hope you think it looks like a fun place to play!  


Ok, let us hear all your ideas for the alternate version of this map (in the comments below) and we will gather some together for a poll in a few days time.


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