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Ok, so a quick reminder that your alternate version will be three different chambers/caves etc for the Sun Temple map.

There were so many great suggestions.  Thank you once again for thinking up such interesting ideas.  As usual there were plenty of things we wouldn't necessarily have thought of and a lot for us to choose from.  We've picked 12 options, many of which are a combination of a few people's ideas, and thrown in a 13th idea of our own.

Voting: pick three options

Options: some more detailed explanations of the poll choices

1. Altar of Shadows - echoing the layout of the opposing temple of light above, this dark temple sucks in light and is cloaked in shadows

2. Fancy tombs, expensively kitted out, gold etc - can be for priests, heroes, gods etc

3. Priests' living quarters - a small complex with mundane rooms for the priests who use the sacred temple above

4. Sacrifice chamber - a walkway down the centre passes piles of bodies on the pits that flank it; a bloody altar at the end is used for sacrificial purposes.

5. A cave is open to the cliffs on one side

6. Portal/gate - a carved stone fixture circles a mysterious magical portal and is reached by a short set of steps

7. Moon temple - a temple to the moon sits within the cave; an opening at the cliffside allows moonlight in during sacred rituals

8. Solstice Treasure Map - the light from the Solstice Sun passes through crystals before indicating a point on a map

9. Cultists' lair - a small complex of desecrated shrines and cult priest chambers

10. Cthulic - an altar to Cthulu/Old Gods

11. Heroic Sword - a treasure of great importance is stored here amongst much golden decoration and magical warding

12. Statue of the Sun God - a radiant golden statue is installed in the cave where it can be approached and worshipped

13. Oracle - a chamber housing a brazier that is giving off incense and smoke, with chambers for the oracle that lives here

The voting will close on Tuesday 23rd Jan at 10.30pm GMT


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