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Your rewards

Please check your Patreon messages for the links to your January rewards (if Patreon have taken your payment). We think the mine and the dwarf community are a really exciting pair of maps this month - we hope you get some good games out of them.

Please note that our adventure supplements are largely system neutral but are uploaded as 3.5 and 5e versions as monster stats are tailored to these systems.  If you use a different game, just download either version.

We would love to hear about any games you have played with your rewards maps, so do feel free to post pics and stories in the community section.   Joe has a game planned using the Weary Wyrm and Fort Sarcell, a hybrid of some of the adventure supplement plot hooks and some custom minis.  Sadly our session was cancelled over Christmas due to most of us being too ill to play (!!!) but as soon as we do we will put up some pics for you.

Posting schedule

We thought we would just go over our main (rough!) posting schedule so that newcomers know what to expect.

  • 1st week of the month - Patreon processes payments and we send you the links for your reward downloads
  • Around the 15th of the month - we post a preview picture of next month's main reward map and ask for your ideas for the alt-version
  • A few days later - we post a poll of some of your ideas
  • Three days later - poll results
  • Last week of the month - we have the preview ready for the alt-map

In between these, look out for diary updates, free map tiles, discounts and other bits and pieces.


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