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Thanks everyone for voting in the alt-map poll.  The fortified bridge came out tops, so we will set about making that this coming weekend.  We're very excited about putting the river in and we'll let you see it as soon as we can.  

We're still busy making our Christmas maps.  Last week we completed a modular kit ('corridors' and 'rooms' sets) and we made a little extra room tile for our lovely patrons, so that will be coming your way when we release the first Christmas map - Sunday 3rd December.

After a quick diversion to warmer climes to make a little jungle port town, we're back making Christmas maps again, this time a two-storey urban setting.  There's lots to do on this one so it will take a little while, but after that we are going to get a couple of Valdisfjell maps done.  Our underground dwarven city is a project we really should have knuckled down and finished a while ago and we're planning on getting the military and civic zones done next.  After that: back to Xmas!


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