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November Alternate Map Preview

We finished the alternate version of your November Map of the Month - the tavern ported to a wintery mountain pass.  Hopefully you'll like it as much as we do - see the preview below.  This tavern has some sleeping quarters and a shop for supplies.  If you're feeling brave, you can even pitch your tent outside for the night before you tackle the pass.  This tavern couldn't really be the Pickled Wyvern too, so we went back to your name suggestions and found one that is similar in spirit, Theodore Brown's The Weary Wyrm.  Perhaps the inn takes its name from the mountain pass that it guards.

Other Projects

The next few months are quite busy for us.  Throughout November we try and get ahead with our four special Christmas releases so we don't find ourselves in a mad rush to finish things in December.  We've planned/scheduled those maps and are in the process of drawing them. Hmm, what hints can we give you?  Well, one is a modular set, one is a sci-fi map, there are two multi-level sets, there's a giant map with two parts, one has lots of buildings and one has just one building.  And we really must get going with them.

While we're working on December maps in November we're not working on anything to be released in November itself, so we've held a few things over  that are already finished.  This includes two 20x30 locations in jungle settings.  These both have a bonus cave with them, useable with both maps, and when we made these we made an extra one for you.  We'll probably upload those on about the 1st November, so check back then for a bonus tile! 


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