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Thank you everyone for all your brilliant tavern name suggestions and interesting backstory snippets.  There were lots we liked - some for their atmospheric nature and some for just being downright funny – and when picking the winner there was a handful we ummed and ahhed over.  A special shoutout has to go to Charles for his awesome pamphlet detailing his tavern’s history.   We thought this bit was great: “The centerpiece of the main tavern area is an outstretched 12 foot solid glass kraken, each tentacle holding a lantern that brightly lights the room.”  However, our road-side tavern isn’t really the map to do justice to Charles’s great tavern on the docks, as much as we liked its name.  Maybe one day!

So, the winner?  Well, for a fun fantasy name and one which gives us a few jumping-off points for the adventure supplement, we chose The Pickled Wyvern, as submitted by Rob Leonard (check your messages Rob :-).  We’re going to make a few little adjustments to the map to fit the name and we decided we have to include a pickled baby wyvern in a big jar.  We should have the map ready to show you all on Sunday if all goes to plan.

If you didn’t win, you still might see your suggestion turn up in the adventure supplement in some form.  We’ve got ales to name, for one thing!

Alternative map – when we upload the preview of the tavern we will be asking for suggestions for the alt-version poll, so thinking caps on (don’t post them here though!)


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