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As we passed our 150 patrons target (thank you so much!), everyone will now get a further reward (woo!) and so we are working on the adventure sheet to go alongside the Delecrane Vault map.  It is probably about 3/4 done now, not including layout and some little illustrations.  The sheet will be two pages (plus a b&w outline of the map for annotating) and full of background info, story hooks, random tables, unique monsters, NPCs and special items.  Hopefully at least something of use in there for everyone.

After finishing the Discover: Cemetery pack we've continued working on  our Halloween maps.  You can see a sneak peek below of an as yet untitled Day and Night scene - a sort of "witches ritual in a field".

We also got a bit side-tracked and have been making a multi-level ruined elven tower in the woods.  We'll get back to that when we've made a bit more progress with Halloween!

Lastly, do go and check out Zealot Miniatures Kickstarter that launched today.  We are big fans of their resin scenery miniatures and are excited about their new minotaur warband miniatures.  The 3D sculpts look awesome.  We have made a new 30x30 Minotaur's lair map to complement the Kickstarter and anyone who visits their page can find a 50% off code for the map on DrivethruRPG.


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