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Contents: recent projects; Halloween; forthcoming maps; new map and discount

Projects we've been working on

We normally put together a map and then release it to DrivethruRPG pretty much straight away, but over the summer and into September we've been busy with projects that have to wait a while until they can go online.

Back in May, Absolute Tabletop  ran a successful Kickstarter for their exciting Oath of the Frozen King Adventure Kit and as we've had fun working with them before, we agreed to make maps that complement their scenario and the layouts in their book.  Those will be available on general sale when their Kickstarter fulfils in the next couple of months and you can see an little glimpse of one of them below.  It's a fun icy theme in time for winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

We've also got a map coming out soon in conjunction with the Kickstarter that Zealot Miniatures are running at the end of the month.  We'll post more details of that nearer the time, but you can see some previews of Zealot's minis on their Facebook.  You can probably guess from those what the setting of our map will be too!

Halloween and other maps

September is also the month that we get some Halloween-themed maps ready.  We're aiming to get our Halloween stuff online (and our Halloween sale going) for the 11 October.   A few of the maps we've drawn out are feeling a bit ambitious at the moment (yikes), but we've still got a month to go so will do our best.  Will hopefully have some Halloween sneak peeks for you midweek.

Other things in the works for our Drivethru over the next couple of weeks include a multi-level space station and two jungle-themed tomb/temple things, one of which initially started life as a sketch for one of the chromatic dragon lairs we released back in January.

New release and discount code

Speaking of jungle-themed settings, we have just uploaded a multi-level jungle pyramid map that we accidentally made this week - it wasn't on our schedule, was supposed to be a quick make and then ran away with itself a bit to include extra levels!  That's not how we usually work, but it does happen every now and again.  

As well as a 30x30 top surface, there are two small interior levels and a 30x30 cave level.  Have a look at the preview images and if you are interested in picking it up you can use the following link this week to get a 50% discount.


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